Monday, September 21, 2009

My big crazy over the top timeline!!!!

Here is my intended timelines. I'll be posting three versions. The first will be my overly optimistic plan. The second will have slightly more realism. The third will be my emergence plan, the plan I use when everything is going tits up and I just need something that will pass me.


Plan 1

Milestone 1: Set up of distributed system: 4th Oct
Milestone 2: Deciding and coding of the XML format: 18th Oct
Milestone 3: Programming of Genetic logic: 1st Nov

Time off for exam studying.

Milestone 4: First working entity: 25th Dec
Milestone 5: Second working VE: 17th Jan

Out there ideas: Getting CStike working. Having 5 VE's. Full How-To guide. Having an external party use my system.


Plan 2

Milestone 1: Set up of distributed system: 11th Oct
Milestone 2: Deciding and coding of XML format: 1st Nov

Time off for exam studying.

Milestone 3: Program genetic logic: 25th Dec
Milestone 4: First working entity: 17th Jan
Milestone 5: Second working VE: 14th Feb

Out there ideas: 3 working VE's.

Plan 3

Milestone 1: Deciding I'm screwed. 3weeks before deadline
Milestone 2: Desperately creating genetic logic. 1.5 weeks
Milestone 3: Forcing Corewar to work with it. 1 week
Milestone 4: Manically writing report. .5 week

Out there ideas: Not failing


All these plan are subject to change depending on other events. I'll set up a widget to track how I'm going with my milestones.


  1. so cstrike?
    so do i need to be sharpening my ak shot?
    1.6 or are you going to outdo cohen and have a full source thing going on.

    cs fucking result.

  2. 1.6 all the way.
    What sort of crazyness would need to be in my head to touch source.
