Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ongoing VE issue ++

The issue with qMars giving no winner is a still a gigantic problem. I can't get it to work no matter what I try. this is causing serious delays creating the mutate funtion working.

Another thing that is causing issues with the mutate funcion is the fact that I have restructured the backend code so that the genetic logic is a now static class(I don't even know why I had it as an object in the first place!). This is now giving me crazy linking errors.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I have been crazy busy with another project!
But I'm back now!

There has been issues recently getting the virtual environment working. Having gone with qMars for the 1st environment I am having issues getting combat to work correctly and I'm not all that sure it's my fault! I have submitted two bots to the system and I can get them to fight but each time it's a draw!

In aries they can fight correctly but in qMars it's a no winner every time.